Friday, May 14, 2010

PJs from East Asia

My parents brought some pjs for the kids back from their visit to my brother last year while he was serving as a missionary in East Asia.  I finally put them both in them tonight and it's a good thing I did because they won't fit much longer.  The kids weren't really in a picture taking mood, so I did the best I could to capture the cuteness of their Asian stylings!

Strut that stuff, Briellie!
Strikin' a pose

 Brielle is really into closing doors right now...Unfortunately, Josh DOES NOT like his bedroom door closed when he's just waking up...and Brielle is usually anxious to come greet her brother in the morning and after naptime.  It causes much distress for our boy until we get a doorstop firmly in place.


Josh and Brielle have really started playing together a lot lately which makes my heart happy. Their favorite thing to do is ride their little cars around and around the house chasing each other.
It's hard to get an action shot...they move sooo fast!
Here they are at their most common destination - "Gigi's house"
Together in the 'boat'
Choo-choo (hmm, realizing vehicles are the toy of choice, real or created, around here)

Before and After

In the puddles at Joshy's beach

And last but certainly not least...

Plus one final bonus...

(So, yeah, a few n*ked pictures in these last few posts...but, it is summertime in Florida, we are potty training (sort of), and...they are babies with uber-cute buns! Couldn't resist...hope they don't kill me when they're older!)

X-Treme Josh!

Looks like Joshua has inherited a love for thrilling sports from his dad (and mom too, I suppose.)  He has recently become VERY interested in skateboarding and loves to go watch the skaters at the skate park by our house.  He REALLY wants a skateboard of his own.  I keep telling him he has to wait until he's older, and he then responds, "My older NOW, mama!"  Yes, but not old enough.  Unfortunately, it will be at least a couple more years before he's ready to test out his skills, so he's got a while to wait.  In the meantime, he's turning regular household items into skateboards, surfboards, boats, etc...and loves to jump off of things...the taller, the better.

The makeshift surfboard..."Joshy surf lil waves...Daddy surf BIIIIIIG waves."

A few weeks ago Joshua got it in his head that he NEEDED a 'bike'. One night before bed, he couldn't stop talking about it and was starting to get upset. To settle Josh down, I told him we'd talk to daddy about it in the morning. Daniel and I had talked about getting him a trike and a friend from work had offered to give us his hand-me-down, but they hadn't been able to connect for the hand-off.  It worked out perfectly because Dan's friend had remembered the trike that day and left it at the hospital, so Dan was able to bring a 'bike' home for Josh the next morning (and it was free!). Joshua was thrilled. For the next four days, if Joshua was awake, he was sitting on his bike! He literally did NOTHING else. So fun to give your kids something that brings such delight!
 We have taken it outside too, but since we live on a fairly busy street, so trying to keep an eye on both kids (who are undoubtedly riding in opposite directions) doesn't leave time for the camera!

Ummm, not sure what to say about this one...Extreme house vacuuming?
(Daniel says this one's a keeper for Josh's wedding slideshow!)


Brielle is such a goofball. She is constantly entertaining us and cracking herself up. Daniel and I were talking the other day about the nature of her goofyness and were finally able to put a finger on it. Unlike Josh who will be silly to get attention or make us laugh, Brielle does goofy things simply for her own enjoyment. It cracks her up and makes her giggle. She gets a kick out of it whether we're paying attention or not. So funny. She is ONE of a KIND! We love our precious goofball with her sweet ticklish spots, friendly nature, and hat and shoe fetish. It will be fun to see how her personality takes shape as she gets older. I often find myself praying that she'll be confident in who she is and remain a joyful, playful spirit.


New favorite place to play
Her latest favorite hat...that girl will put anything on her head!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

"Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own." - Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons