We've been busy in November. Daniel had to work a lot and we've been preparing for the arrival of Baby Girl and the holidays.
The nursery is a work in progress, but coming along!
Josh is developing his communication skills these days...still no words, but lots of pointing, waving, and shaking of his head. He's definitely got an opinion and expresses it clearly. It's fun (for the most part)! He loves music and starts dancing whenever he hears a beat. He also learned to clap when we sing "If you're happy and you know it...". He's still eating like a champ, as long as the food has lotsa flava!
Joshua is definitely VERY active right now, I'm pretty sure he's about to start running any day...scary for this pregnant mama! I'm pretty freaked out about handling life with 2 kids, since lately it seems like Joshua is more than I can handle...I keep telling myself it's because I'm pregnant, awkward, and tired, but will it really be easier when I'm sleep-deprived and have two to take care of? I know God won't give me more than I can handle (if I depend on Him), but sometimes it seems like it's just going to be a little too much.
Proud to park in the expectant mothers spot for the first time!
As usual, we failed to get any good shots of the general idea of Redneck Thanksgiving...think cattle ranch, about 40 of the nicest people you'll ever meet, wild game fried over an open fire (no squirrel this year - just venison, dove, and turkey), dogs, horses, eating outside on hay bales, oak trees with spanish moss, family fun, southern style vegetables, mooing in the background, all the usual Thanksgiving fixins (minus mashed potatoes)! (A very odd omission at least to me who comes from potato lovin' Iowa roots. I can't remember them ever making an appearance in the 6 years I've been attending the festivities. I took green bean casserole this year, maybe next year I'll do potatoes - I'm sure Dan would like me to so he won't have to listen to me wonder about the lack of them any more!)
The only pictures we took were of Joshua and Daniel horseback riding. He loved it!