Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Escape from the wintry north

We had quite the crew of visitors during the first week of March. My parents, grandma, great aunt, aunt & uncle and their 6 year-old twins came down from the Midwest. We mostly just enjoyed the babies, ate yummy food, and relaxed. We were glad they could meet Brielle while she's still little and it was fun to show them our home! Thanks so much for the visit!

The best big brother ever

Joshua has made lots of progress with his language skills this month. Most importantly he's learned to say "Daddy!", much to Dan's delight! He'll mimic a lot of words if we ask him to repeat them, but his favorite words remain ball and shoes. He's also learned some new signs, including please, thank you and help, and he's doing a really good job of using them on his own. Josh is glad the weather is warmer again and he can enjoy the beach. He just plops himself down facefirst in the sand and kicks his legs and enjoys himself!

This rocker that I use for nursing used to be my great grandpa's. My grandma refinished them both for us and Josh really enjoys rocking like a big boy.

This may have been a mistake, but we sure had fun letting him play with the hose!

Very pleased with his big straw hat!

Look out when we're coming down the sidewalk...this stroller is a tank, but has let us get out of the house for some nice walks lately. If Brielle falls asleep then Joshua and I stop by the park to try to fit in a little play time as Sissy naps.

Taco mania!

These videos are short and sweet! Enjoy hearing Josh's words and see him dance.

Such a big helper!

Josh's words!

New sign language skills


Update - Nearly 3 months already

Our baby girl is growing up so fast! Brielle is doing great. She's smiling, laughing, cooing, eating, and sleeping a lot. Joshua continues to love his little sister and has made up a sign language sign for her. I don't think we have a picture of it, but we definitely need one. It's so cute. I'm having a lot of fun dressing up a little girl and am so thankful for all the adorable outfits we received as gifts.

This is how Brielle likes to sleep!