Wednesday, April 29, 2009

18 Months Old

Joshua has been busy these past months...we had fun today listing the words he knows - shoes, socks, hot, hat, dada (often all men get called dada...hmmm), baba (his name for me - so glad to have a label), papa, gigi, sis (not just his sister, but any baby esp pictures of him as a baby), fish, dog, ball, grandpa, josh, elle (he has a friend elle, but also calls all girls who are his friends elle with extra tongue emphasis), bonk, brrr, truck, baby. He also signs - more/food/snack, please, thank you, bye bye, drink, help, all done - most of them have consistent sounds that go along, but they aren't necessarily similar to the word. Josh has reached the phase of childhood where her RUNS not walks everywhere and he's getting fast! He also went to the doctor today and weighed in at 25lbs (25-50%) and 33" (50-75%).

He's got his own sense of humor and will often bust out a big, hearty, "HA!" when something is amusing to him. He's also starting to practice laughing when it's socially expected, so if Dan and I are laughing about something, he'll just join right in. The other day at the grocery store some people were having their own conversation and chuckled and he joined right in with a big laugh. What a ham! All things with wheels get announced with a "vroom, vroom". Cars, trucks, motorcycles, construction equipment...but also, grills, shopping carts, motorized wheel chairs, bicycles - too funny.

Some big recent events were going to the Jacksonville Zoo with his cousins, visiting Papa and Gigi and everyone else in Tallahassee, getting to watch his Baby Einstein Old MacDonald movie, and playing in the little backyard pool. He spends most of his time standing outside the pool and dipping water out with a cup to fill up my watering can until it's overflowing. Oh, he also LOVES the beach. We had such a good time this morning. He's likes just running around, plopping in the sand, burying himself, playing around the posts of the pier, "surfing" on daddy's board, chasing birds (thanks, Grandma!), running from the waves, seeing lots of dogs and people to flirt with and much more.

4 Months Old

Here's some pictures and videos of the past month or so. We can't believe how FAST Brielle is growing up. Four months old already. At her doctor appointment today she was 14lbs 11oz (50-75%) and 25" (50-75%). She continues to be such a sweetie-pie with an easy smile and addictive laugh. For the most part, she seems unphased by most of the "abuse" she receives from her big brother. (Joshua has done a great job adjusting to having a sibling and definitely LOVES his "sis", but he gets excited and just can't contain himself. "Gentle. She's little!" gets repeated throughout the day.) Brielle adores her big brother and really enjoys watching him wherever he is. Sometimes it seems like they share a little smile between the two of them, so who knows what kind of shenanigans they're cooking up already!

Brielle loves to hang out with her daddy and her face lights up when he talks to her. Here they are watching the opening baseball game at Wrigley Field. Brielle is pouting because of the rain delay.
Brielle is sitting really well in her Bumbo seat and loves to be upright rather than laying down. In her car seat she's constantly lifting up her head and trying to sit up - she'll have abs of steel, no doubt!She also seems to really delight in being naked! Watch out! But, tummy time is hit or miss...

She's even driving already...
Of course, Joshua had to show her how it's done.Just a sweet one of a big smile!

And finally, some movies of her playing at "the gym".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My latest addiction

We can't get enough of these...thought you might enjoy too!