Our big boy!
Our big girl!
The happy fam
It seems like both Joshua and Brielle grew by leaps and bounds in the month of June. They are both looking and acting so much older now. Joshua got his second haircut, is using a fork and spoon relatively well, and had much verbal explosion. He's saying soooo many words - it's amazing! Brielle grew more hair, graduated to 6-9 month clothes, and learned to scoot around. She can get wherever she wants to now.
Joshua has also become a big helper. He makes it his duty to make sure the diapers get taken to the trash can outside.
(Love the look on his face - it says it all!)
Joshua and Brielle have started to interact a lot more too. Sis watches him wherever he goes and loves getting attention from him.
Josh likes to imitate the noises Brielle makes and sometimes reverts to crawling or lying on the floor to be like her. He also likes baby food, which we haven't decided whether it's a good way to get vegetables in him or a bad habit to start. He sometimes gets too rough, but whenever I rush in to rescue Brielle she's laughing and enjoying the rough-housing...
...pretty funny, but we still have to make sure Josh doesn't get carried away. "She's little, be gentle" gets repeated throughout the day!
The general consensus is that Briellie looks like Daniel. She's definitely got some similarities beyond looks with her easy-going, good-natured personality and loud bodily noises! The girl can fart, burp, and wail with the best of them!
Joshua is like his daddy too - can't help but admire a big catch!