Note out tired, puffy eyes from a loong night!
Brielle decided to make the most of what was left of her first year of life by virtually staying up ALL NIGHT LONG on the eve of her birthday (aka Christmas Eve). For unknown reasons, Brielle woke up around midnight and could not be consoled - she didn't have a fever, wasn't hungry, wasn't hurt, we didn't know what was the matter. We were in a house full of people, so after a while of alternately trying to let her cry it out and trying to comfort her, Daniel took her outside to the car - he figured that one of us had to get some sleep because Joshua would be raring to go the next day. They just sat in the car until she stopped crying around 4:30 and dozed until 6:30am on Christmas morning. Daniel took her to McDonald's for a birthday breakfast, since by this point he was starving and locked out of the house!
Dan's Aunt Marsha hosts a Christmas Brunch every year and let us make it a joint birthday party for our Little Lady. She fed us like kings and queens with every imaginable breakfast item and then we got down to the partying!
B and Aunt Marsha
Joshua was convinced that it was HIS birthday and I can see the confusion - he got to blow out Brielle's candles and open her gifts. When we sang Happy Birthday, Josh, of course, sang, "Happy Birthday, dear Joshy..."
Josh blowing out the candles...looks like Brielle is already diggin' in!
We kept trying to tell him it was Sissy's birthday, to which he responded, "Sissy share." Such a sweet sister, she willingly shared her birthday with him...probably won't be as easy to convince her of that next year.
More 'helping'
Brielle enjoyed her cake and was only semi-messy with it...
Looking proud and enjoying the cake...even willing to share!
Post-cake bath
Giggles with Papa
The crew - what a special girl to have SO many people celebrate her.
What a joy this first year of Brielle's life has been. We thought having two so close would be hard (and it's had its moments), but because of Brielle's easygoing personality as a baby (and an outpouring of God's grace), it's been doable. (Also, Joshua handled becoming a big brother like a champ. He LOVES his Sissy.) Sis is easygoing, self-entertained, and spunky. She is a COMPLETE Daddy's girl, which Daddy absolutely loves. She's like a broken record right now all day long...da-DEE, da-DEE, da-DEE. If I'm holding her and he walks into the room, she lunges out of my arms toward him. Sissy is talking quite a bit...a lot of words sound the same, so you have to use context - such a bottle, ball, bow, and book. She also says kiss, shoes, mama, hiiii, bye-bye, hat (another fave), dance, and more. Brielle is walking well and is a little bow-legged and pigeon-toed - it's very cute and maybe she'll be a good athlete. She likes pretty much all foods, is still pretty attached to her bottle, and enjoys eating off a fork like a big person. Brielle is a bookworm and we often find her sitting down surrounded by ALL of the books from the shelf, flipping through the pages. She doesn't want to waste any time sleeping, so we've seen 6am (and much earlier) most days for the past six months or so. All in all we love our baby girl and are so happy she's in our family.