Sunday, January 08, 2012

Candy Day!

The church had a Trunk or Treat festival on Halloween that we took part in. This was the kids' first time dressing up or trick or treating and they thought "Candy Day", as we called it, was a pretty good deal! Daniel had the idea of dressing them up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 (extra appropriate since they run around like Energizer Bunnies making messes all day), and they were super cute!

Our lil Chinese watermelon

Joshua REALLY enjoyed having blue hair

Checking out her stash

The look on Joshua's face after his first trip down the GIANT bouncy slide - pure joy and pride!


Daniel, my dad, and Joshua went on a special fishing trip in October.  Dad and Dan picked Josh up from school with the boat in tow (not something you see everyday, but probably not the first boat to pull through the preschool pick up line)!  They headed out on the intracoastal and came back with a huge flounder.  Joshua was pretty proud!

Daddy's big (and delicious) flounder!  Joshua proudly "caught" a mullet out of the bait well!

Captain Joshua - all business

More pics of our lil munchkin

Corinne and Addison - best friends and just 1 month apart

I like how the baby doll is "at the gym"

Another thumb girl

This one just kinda captures her look and disposition (and drool)

Sweet daddy time

Sleeping baby pictures make me breathless

Pretty in purple


Corinne (2-4 months)

Okay, so it's true - the third baby gets the shaft...Corinne hasn't gotten a blog update since Month 1 and here she is over 8 months old - sigh!  She may not be getting as much verbage or photos, but hopefully she's getting just as much love!  I know we're sure enjoying having her in our family and each family member has their special way of interacting with and loving on her!

It's hard to even remember back to what Corinne was like during months two, three, and four.  I've said she's more emotional than the first two - while she's quick to smile, she's also quick to cry.  She's an early riser - up before seven every day.  She's just sweet - so sweet with her chubby, chubby, chubby legs.  She's ticklish, and right now tickling is pretty much the only way to make her laugh.  She started sleeping through the night right on track - about 8 hours at 8 weeks, and 12 hours at 12 weeks!  (Thank you, Babywise!)  She likes the jump-a-roo, watching her siblings go crazy all around her, belly sleeping, and the doggy teether/stuffed animal toy.  Sucking her thumb and twirling her hair are her self-soothing techniques and signs she's sleepy.  All in all, she's doing great, meeting her developmental milestones and bringing much joy!

2 months
3 months
4 months

Cutie Pie aka Cutie Face

Here's some cute ones of Corinne at 4 months old!

slip n slide

Summer lovin'

Brielle's version

other stuff (summer edition)

So, I'm finally taking a deep breath and gonna catch this blog up! Needless to say, we've been busy and it's hard to think about blogging once I fall behind a little bit. Here's a smattering of fun photos from the summer months...
Josh got super brave in the pool this summer and could swim all over with floaties, jump off the side, and go underwater!

bumper crop of tomatoes for the first time in five attempts
Here's the 2 monster plants that grew those yummy tomatoes

Enjoying a sunrise with daddy

Brielles first tea party at "mommy school"
Nothing sweeter than these two getting along...nothing worse than them fighting

Both kids are really enjoying helping in the kitchen right now

Family picture on my 33rd birthday