Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Latest Stats - 6 month check-up

Age: 6 months

Height: 27"

Weight: 16 lbs 0 oz

Teeth: 2

Diet: breast milk, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, toes

Actions: rolling over both ways, sitting up all by himself

New Firsts (where possible illustrated in pictures below): teeth, solid food, baseball game, "sink bath", beach day, play date with Asher at home, visit from Scottie the Hottie, visit from Uncle David and Scott B (can't believe we didn't take ANY pictures...too busy surfing, I guess)

He's not sure about the cereal...thinks he'll stick with toes!

Not at the baseball game, but he looks like a little ball player here!

Post beach day bath to get the sand out of the cracks!

Josh - 6 months, Asher 3 months
Josh and Scott


This is the start of our new landscaping. It's hard to see with the shadows, but there's a red hibiscus on the left corner, a bird of paradise in the middle (now with begonias around it), and a hot pink oleander on the right corner. I'm very excited. We're doing a little bit at a time, so hopefully soon we'll buy some bushes to fill in below the windows and some African iris around the bird of paradise.


The Garris Family said...

That is so funny! I think that Ava and Joshua would make the perfect couple! They were both the same height and very close in weight- and they are doing the same things- teeth and all! He couldn't be any cuter! The house looks amazing! Bless you guys!

The Burkes said...

The pictures are great! I love the caption under the sink bath picture the best...I giggled outloud :o)