Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life's a beach!

For quite a while, Josh's pronunciation of 'beach' sounded very much like the other word that can be used in the title of this post! I'm happy to report, he's now saying 'beach' well and we no longer feel the need to repeat after him in public that "Yes, we're going to the bEEEEEch!"

Lookin' pretty comfortable on the surfboard these days!

The outdoor beach 'condo' in St. Augustine

Inside the real condo in St. Augustine

Many fun times have been had at the beach this summer and we're looking forward to more as the warm weather continues, but the sun gets a little less intense! We usually go to the beach just down the street, but we also spent a few days down in St. Augustine with Daniel's family. For my birthday we checked out Mickler's Landing, a popular beach a little ways down the road. And, a few weeks ago some of our friends from Gainesville came to visit and we had a blast catching up with them and enjoying the ocean.

Brielle's 1st time to really get into the sand!
(She's still in the eating-it-by-the-handful stage)

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