Friday, May 14, 2010


Brielle is such a goofball. She is constantly entertaining us and cracking herself up. Daniel and I were talking the other day about the nature of her goofyness and were finally able to put a finger on it. Unlike Josh who will be silly to get attention or make us laugh, Brielle does goofy things simply for her own enjoyment. It cracks her up and makes her giggle. She gets a kick out of it whether we're paying attention or not. So funny. She is ONE of a KIND! We love our precious goofball with her sweet ticklish spots, friendly nature, and hat and shoe fetish. It will be fun to see how her personality takes shape as she gets older. I often find myself praying that she'll be confident in who she is and remain a joyful, playful spirit.


New favorite place to play
Her latest favorite hat...that girl will put anything on her head!

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