Joshua started his birthday morning off with a couple of from Sis and one from himself. When he walked out of his room and saw the birthday banners I hung up, he said, "Does that say 'Happy Birthday, Josh'?" So cute...and smart! ;)
For breakfast he ate a chocolate donut with candles in it, then we were off to the zoo with the whole family for his special day.
Joshua got to ride on the train at the zoo, as well as ride the carousel there for the first time. Brielle wanted nothing to do with it (I knew this from previous experience and didn't even try to take her on), but even started crying while watching Joshua and Daddy ride. Too funny! I'm not sure if she was afraid I was about to put her on it or was scared for them, but for whatever reason, she lost it!
After naps, HaHa came over for a dinner, cake, and presents. Josh LOVED his choo-choo cake again. For whatever reason, it truly delights him. So fun.
Brielle enjoyed it too, I think!
For his present, we bought him a zoo train (how appropriate). He has loved it and played with it all the time since.
It's hard to believe how much our boy has grown up this past year, and even especially so in just the past few months. He's gone from speaking in only phrases, to whole sentences, paragraphs, and thoughts. Throughout the year he's transitioned from asking "What's that?" to "What's his name?" to "Where are they going?" (about every person or car we pass) and now we've moved on to the dreaded "Why?" (we're wondering how long this phase is gonna last!). We are glad he's so inquisitive, but the questions just keep getting harder!
He has started to enjoy reading books. Some current favorites are Oliver and Fire Cat. Joshua continues to be a great big brother. He asks for an extra lollipop from his Sunday School teachers so he can give one to his sister! We've been working hard on potty training, and I think we've almost got it down. Joshua is still into trains, planes, cars, balls, dirt, the beach, getting dirty - basically all things BOY. He's started to like going for rides in the boat and canoe and is showing an interest in fishing...much to Daniel's delight. He makes us laugh everyday. Yesterday when he needed a tissue he told me he needed a 'noser'...not a bad guess while trying to figure out the difficult English language!
Overall, Joshua is independent, extroverted, curious, and active. He loves to leave home and asks every morning what we're going to be doing that day. We still can't tell him more than moments ahead of time what our plans are because the anticipation drives him crazy - he wants to go NOW!
We love our boy - he's brought so much joy into our lives. We are thankful to God for this past year we've had with Joshua and look forward to what the coming year will bring!
happy birthday joshy!! "noser" made me laugh out loud. way to be a good mama and make him the same cake two years in a row ... i can see myself struggling against saying "we can't do that! don't you want a DIFFERENT CAKE this year?" go mommy! love brielle's face on the zoo train too.
Too funny- we celebrated with a trip to the zoo too! Ava got to ride a carousel as well! Funny how far away we are and how much are lives intersect in weird ways! Praying he gets the potty training down soon! Love, the Garris family!
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