We went to the beach one afternoon. Daniel and Jeremy went out surfing while Joshua and Gigi built a sand castle.
A place to share stories and pictures of our latest adventures...
Joshua is 9 months old already and growing up fast! Here's some recent videos of him. The first is of him eating finger food - fresh sea trout and broccoli. After a long search on Craig's List, Daniel bought a 12 ft Carolina Skiff and caught his first fish with it this week. Yea! The next video is Joshua's "homemade walker"...he's not walking yet, but he gets behind anything he can (end tables, car seat, laundry basket, bar stool) and pushes it around the floor until he runs into something and can't figure out why he can't go anymore. The last two videos are just cute ones of him laughing. He has such an easy-going, joyful personality - what a blessing!
Eating Daddy's fish!
Just having a good time
Haven't had enough yet? Here's some more pictures from May and June!
Curling - a sport of fitness and finesse! Never seen a curling club before, although I've always regreted not doing the curling intramurals offered at Iowa State!
The weather was better the second day, so we hiked around Gooseberry Falls State Park for a while. The falls were roaring from all the rain the Midwest had been getting. Locals said it was the biggest the falls had been in 20 years. In the afternoon, it looked like more rain, so we went to a coffee shop to read John Grisham's The King of Torts which we were reading aloud together. That night we went to The Lemon Wolf Cafe for dinner, which was a quaint little place. I had Swedish Meatballs and Daniel had Lake Trout. Very good.
At a sculpture garden in Minneapolis
You never know what might be lurking in Grandma's corn crib...
Why not a giant sombrero and a violin?
Here's a few recent videos. The first is of a new clicking noise that Joshua likes to make. Dan makes it back to him and they just go back and forth having a "clicking" conversation.
I found out that I can't edit videos taken on my digital camera on our PC, so unfortunately this video is long. Most of the cute part happens in the beginning when Josh was so excited that I was coming to get him up from his nap.