Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Birthday Party x 2
Looking pretty content with himself - I can't believe how well he tolerated the party hat. It was funny because before the party started, Josh was kind of moody, but as soon as the first guests arrived he started walking around clapping and got really happy. It was as if he knew they were there in honor of him! I guess he was just glad to see his friends!
Daniel and I gave him a xylophone for his birthday gift
The alligator pull toy from Aunt Renee - despite our best efforts to teach him how it works, he insists it's meant to be carried, not pulled.
Thanks to all Josh's party guests for making his big day so special! We're glad all of you are a part of his life.
Grandma and Grandpa Nettleton's Visit
Josh is lonely now without his grandparents to dote on him all day long...I think he got used to them being around and always having some playmates. It's funny, he's really interested in Grandpa and will just keep his eye on him and watch whatever he's doing - even if it's just reading the newspaper or something! Thanks for a great visit, Mom and Dad!
Random Pictures
I got a taste of life with two kids when Asher came over to play for a few hours while her parents went on a date. It was fun, but a handful! I was grateful though that Josh seemed to handle me paying attention to another baby okay. He's busy with his own activities these days - very, very busy boy.
We are going on vacation next week to the Smoky Mountains, so we took a trial hike at Little Talbot Island to see how Joshua tolerated the backpack. He did great - I think he liked being taller than mommy! I, on the other hand, didn't do so well - the mosquitoes were eating me alive, so I had to call it quits and turn us around early! They always like me, but I've read that pregnant women are especially susceptible to bites.