Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brielle Update - almost 9 months

Our baby girl is growing up so fast...I keep saying that, but it's true. This year has gone by sooo much faster than the last one - probably because I'm at least twice as busy, probably more! Things are good, but life with two under two definitely has it's challenging moments! I've been thinking that I just need to make it through this first year, but I recently realized that life with a two year old and a one year old is probably more challenging than life with a 1 year old and a newborn - ahhh! I'm continuing to remember that His grace is sufficient for me and His power is made perfect in weakness! (Counting down the days until our adults only cruise in November helps too!)Brielle is on the move now! Since my last update about her, she's started sitting up, eating baby food and some table food, Army crawling, babbling a lot (like she's telling a story), waving bye-bye (couldn't believe it, but she's consistent about it), loving being in the water, and pulling up! CRAZY! We continue to enjoy her easygoing personality, SWEET smiles, resilience to her brother's exuberant attacks and easy laugh, but not to worry, she does have a voice and she knows how to use it. When I went to pick her up in the church nursery this week they said, "She's a sweetie, but she has a little bit of a temper, doesn't she?" Isn't that the truth!
Tata gave her the first taste of baby food - she loved it from the start!

Sweet smiles for Gigi

Love those lil clasped hands

Waving and standing

Perfectly plump bath baby

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