Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Connor's Amaizeing Acres

In October the kids and I joined Dave, Erin, and McKenna for a morning of fun at Connor's Amaizeing Acres, a combination pumpkin patch, petting zoo, hay ride, corn maize, and beyond. Basically, all the fun fall necessities in one place. Josh's highlight was the 'cow train'. The first time we rode it, he rode solo in his own car!
Notice his death grip on the cow! The ride was surprisingly rough and fast and about halfway through, Joshua started saying, "All done". I was so scared he was going to try to get out while it was moving, but he did a good job of listening to mama. The fun must have outweighted the fear, because he wanted to ride a second time. We played it safe the second round and all rode in one car.
Josh also got in touch with his farm boy side and really enjoyed the hay bales.
Both kids enjoyed the big bin full of corn kernels. I enjoyed it as well because it was like a much cleaner version of a sandbox. Brielle couldn't stay in long though because she was determined to eat the corn! Funny girl - her appetite is never lacking!
There was also a petting zoo. Brielle really enjoyed the animals and kept 'talking' to them.All in all, fun times and lots of new experiences were had. We'll definitely plan to go back next year when daddy can come too.

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