Sunday, January 08, 2012

Corinne (2-4 months)

Okay, so it's true - the third baby gets the shaft...Corinne hasn't gotten a blog update since Month 1 and here she is over 8 months old - sigh!  She may not be getting as much verbage or photos, but hopefully she's getting just as much love!  I know we're sure enjoying having her in our family and each family member has their special way of interacting with and loving on her!

It's hard to even remember back to what Corinne was like during months two, three, and four.  I've said she's more emotional than the first two - while she's quick to smile, she's also quick to cry.  She's an early riser - up before seven every day.  She's just sweet - so sweet with her chubby, chubby, chubby legs.  She's ticklish, and right now tickling is pretty much the only way to make her laugh.  She started sleeping through the night right on track - about 8 hours at 8 weeks, and 12 hours at 12 weeks!  (Thank you, Babywise!)  She likes the jump-a-roo, watching her siblings go crazy all around her, belly sleeping, and the doggy teether/stuffed animal toy.  Sucking her thumb and twirling her hair are her self-soothing techniques and signs she's sleepy.  All in all, she's doing great, meeting her developmental milestones and bringing much joy!

2 months
3 months
4 months

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